Terms of personal data protection
These conditions regulate the protection of personal data when using the websites and by third parties (users).

Who processes your data?

We are the owner and operator of the websites and – spolek Zasáhnout svět, z.s., IČ 07849419, with its registered office in Prague 5, Košíře, Erbenova 130/9, postal code 150 00, registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, section L, insert 71487 (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”). As the administrator and processor of your personal data, we will process your personal data according to the conditions below.

What personal data do we process?
We only process personal data that you provide to us in connection with the use of our services (e.g. when accessing some of our services, subscribing to new videos, newsletters and other products).
This is the information you provide to us when you access any of our services:
Other data filled in by you voluntarily, e.g.:

Why do we process your personal data?
We further process your data in order to:

  • sending current information about new videos, events in the region, planned events
  • fulfillment of legal obligations
  • ensuring the quality of services provided
  • offering products and services of the Association and other persons cooperating with the Association
  • performing analysis of your preferences and displaying content
  • answering your questions sent via the contact form
  • marketing purposes (quality research)

We collect, process and store personal data only for the specified purpose and only to the extent necessary to fulfill this purpose. We never conceal the purpose for which personal data is collected and further processed.

We process and store personal data only for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose of their processing or for the period for which the user has given consent to the processing of their personal data. We follow the rules of mandatory data archiving.
We may process personal data only with the consent of the users, and except in situations provided by law in which the consent is not required. We provide data protection against unauthorized or accidental access, against alteration, destruction, loss, unauthorized transfers, or other unauthorized processing, as well as other misuse of records that contain personal data.
As soon as the purpose for which the personal data was processed ceases to exist, or if the period for which the consent to the processing of personal data has been granted has elapsed and after the expiry of the shredding deadlines, we will destroy the personal data.

When accessing some videos on the website, the user is asked, if necessary, to enter the name, surname, e-mail, region (city), telephone number and Facebook account. However, the site can also be visited anonymously, except in some sections where registration is required – in these cases, the user is prompted for a first name, last name and email.

Who will have access to your data?
Your data is safe with us. We carefully select our partners to whom we entrust your data and who are able to ensure such technical and organizational security of your data that there can be no unauthorized or accidental access to your data or their other misuse. Protecting your data is our priority. All our partners are bound by a duty of confidentiality and may not use the information provided for any purpose other than that for which we have made it available to them.

Third parties who may have access to your personal information depending on the nature of the service you use or have used are:

  • persons to whom we provide data for the purpose of analyzing traffic to our websites
  • persons who provide for us the technical operation of a certain service or operators of technologies that we use for our services
  • people who provide us with sufficient security and integrity of our services and websites and also test this security on a regular basis
  • partners who participate in the organization of our events, conferences, services, seminars, etc.
  • advertising system operators in connection with targeted advertising
  • operators of technical solutions, thanks to which we can show you only relevant content and advertising

Under certain, precisely defined conditions, we are then obliged to transfer some of your personal data to public administration bodies on the basis of valid legal regulations.

Does the website use cookies?
Yes. A cookie is a short text file that a visited website sends to your browser. Allows the site to record information about your visit. Cookies do not pose a danger, they do not serve to obtain any sensitive personal data, but they are important for the protection of privacy.

We do not use cookies to identify users of the website or for other similar purposes.
We use cookies primarily to authenticate users, to prevent fraudulent use of login credentials and to protect user data from access by unauthorized parties. We also use them, for example, to navigate websites or access secure areas of the website. We also use cookies when the user uses the services we offer to our partners, such as advertising services or company service functions that may appear on other websites.

Another group is represented by third-party cookies (eg Google Analytics for analyzing traffic to a particular website or certain services, Facebook pixel, or cookies of advertising system operators that operate on our website). These cookies are managed by third parties and we do not have access to read or write this information.
You as users you have the option to refuse the use of cookies. However, in some cases it will not be possible to display certain of our services without the use of cookies, or the website may not work properly.

If your browser allows the use of cookies, we will assume that you agree to the use of standard cookies by our website.
If you do not want to store these cookies, it is possible to block their use

Third party links
The website may be offered to offer products or services. These third party activities (sites) are separate and independent privacy policies of the website The association is not responsible for the content and activities of the linked sites.

How long do we process your data?

We will process your data for the entire period of using our services and subsequently, on the basis of your consent, for a further 10 years, unless your consent to the processing of personal data is revoked by you.
Here, however, we would like to inform you that the personal data that are necessary for the proper provision of the service, respectively. In order to fulfill all our obligations, whether these obligations arise from a contract between us or from generally binding legal regulations, we must process the consent regardless of your consent for the period specified by the relevant legal regulations or in accordance with them even after possible withdrawal of your consent.
Data obtained within the access to a certain of our services, if it is possible to use this service without your consent to the processing of personal data, then we process for the period of using the registered service and usually 6-12 months after its cancellation. Subsequently, usually only basic identification data and information on the reason for which the registration was terminated or data forming part of operational advances are stored for a reasonable period of time.

Can we process your personal data without your consent?

Yes, we may process your personal data without your consent, but only for the purpose of:
provision of a service or product (fulfillment of the contract concluded between you and us)
fulfillment of legal obligations that result for us from generally binding legal regulations
processing that is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests (e.g., for direct marketing, ensuring the security of our websites)
The possibility and legality of such processing follows directly from the valid legal regulations and your consent to such processing is not required.
How secure is my personal information?
All personal information you provide to us is secured by standard procedures and technologies.

How and when can you withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data?

You can revoke your voluntary consent to the processing of personal data at any time, free of charge, by sending an e-mail to:
Withdrawal of consent does not affect the processing of personal data that we process on a legal basis other than consent (i.e., especially if the processing is necessary to fulfill the contract, legal obligation or for other reasons specified in applicable law).
Am I required to provide my personal information? What if I do not provide personal information?
You provide your personal data to us voluntarily (for some services, however, the transfer of certain personal data is required to make the service available, i.e., if you do not provide it to us, you will not be allowed to use this service).
What rights do you have in relation to the protection of personal data?
In particular, you have the following rights in relation to your personal data:
the right to withdraw its consent at any time
the right to correct or supplement personal data
the right to request processing restrictions
the right to object or process a complaint in certain cases
the right to request the transfer of data
the right of access to personal data
the right to be informed of personal data breaches in certain cases
the right to delete personal data (the right to be “forgotten”) in certain cases
other rights stipulated in the Personal Data Protection Act and in the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us using the contact information below. In order to increase the quality of services and keep records of the administrator’s legal obligations, communication between you and the administrator may be monitored. /
contact address: Erbenova 130/9, Košíře, 150 00 Prague 5
phone: 725 983 929